21 Savage: для того, чтобы чернокожие американцы отменили вековую расистскую политику, нам нужна финансовая грамотность

21 Savage: для того, чтобы чернокожие американцы отменили вековую расистскую политику, нам нужна финансовая грамотность thumbnail

I didn’t even know how to open a bank account until I became a rapper. When I was a kid, I knew there had to be a way to understand how to make and save money—but no one was teaching me that in my Atlanta schools. It wasn’t until I had access to resources and…

Д-р Отис Броули в беседе с Дугласом Бруксом: «Нам не нужно реформировать здравоохранение – нам нужно преобразовать здравоохранение»

Д-р Отис Броули в беседе с Дугласом Бруксом: «Нам не нужно реформировать здравоохранение - нам нужно преобразовать здравоохранение» thumbnail

Douglas Brooks served as the head of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy during the Obama Administration as the first openly gay, HIV-positive African American to hold the job. He focused on addressing the health needs of those at higher risk of HIV infection, and is now executive director of community engagement at…

Кения Баррис в беседе с Тайлером, создателем: «Почему мы не можем рассказывать наши истории?»

Кения Баррис в беседе с Тайлером, создателем: «Почему мы не можем рассказывать наши истории?» thumbnail

Tyler, the Creator, and Kenya Barris both grew up in the same suburban area of Los Angeles. As an independent rapper and hip-hop agitator, Tyler has spent a decade creating music that pushes boundaries and buttons. As a writer, director and producer behind shows like Black-ish and the movie Girls Trip, Barris has won accolades…

Майки Уильямс в разговоре с Наоми Осака: «Мы молодые черные спортсмены. Мы в центре внимания »

Майки Уильямс в разговоре с Наоми Осака: «Мы молодые черные спортсмены. Мы в центре внимания » thumbnail

Naomi Osaka is one of the top tennis players in the world, having won two Grand Slam titles in the past three years. Mikey Williams, a rising high school sophomore, is one of the top-ranked basketball prospects in the country and made waves recently for expressing an interest in attending a historically Black college or…

История обложки “Новой американской революции” журнала TIME

История обложки "Новой американской революции" журнала TIME thumbnail

At a time when many Americans are asking whether the United States is living up to its more than 244-year-old promise, this week’s TIME cover takes another look at one of the nation’s most powerful symbols. To accompany a series of conversations and essays about creating a more equitable future for Black Americans, curated by…

Никколас Смит: Искусство может помочь показать, что жизнь черных имеет значение. Это также может привести к активизму

Никколас Смит: Искусство может помочь показать, что жизнь черных имеет значение. Это также может привести к активизму thumbnail

When I watched them kill Elijah McClain, I couldn’t make any art for days. It had been week after week after week of gut-wrenching stories of Black lives taken from this earth too early. I wasn’t sure if I could handle another one. After seeing the way Elijah pleaded for his life while walking home…

Меня парализовало с 3 лет. Вот почему проявить доброту к инвалидам сложнее, чем вы думаете

Меня парализовало с 3 лет. Вот почему проявить доброту к инвалидам сложнее, чем вы думаете thumbnail

I am a magnet for kindness. Like the center of a black hole, my body attracts every good deed from across the universe to the foot of my wheelchair. I move through parking lots and malls, farmers’ markets and airports, bookstores and buffets, and people scramble to my aid. O.K., so there are plenty of…

Pharrell and Jay-Z’s New Song ‘Entrepreneur’ Is a Celebration of Black Ambition

Pharrell and Jay-Z’s New Song ‘Entrepreneur’ Is a Celebration of Black Ambition thumbnail

Pharrell Williams and Jay-Z will release a new song on Friday, “Entrepreneur,” in conjunction with Williams’ new TIME cover package, “The New American Revolution.” This issue of TIME features conversations with Angela Davis, Tyler the Creator, Naomi Osaka, Geoffrey Canada and more about the systemic inequalities that Black people have faced throughout United States’ history,…