Mali backs singer Rokia Traoré after French arrest


Rokia TraoréImage copyright AFP
Image caption The Malian singer has been accused of kidnap after she misplaced her world custody fight

Mali’s executive has issued a press launch in enhance of the singer Rokia Traoré, who became arrested in Paris over a little bit one custody dispute.

The command pointed out that she has a diplomatic passport.

France became acting on an arrest warrant from Belgium.

It is seeking her extradition after a Belgian court docket ordered Traoré at quit her 5-one year-historical daughter to her estranged inclined accomplice, a Belgian national.

The Belgian warrant accused her of kidnapping and hostage-taking.

She became arrested on Tuesday as she arrived at Charles de Gaulle airport, in Paris.

She became stopping in France on the blueprint in which from Bamako to Brussels the build she intended to enchantment against the resolution of the Belgian court docket to grant stout custody to her inclined accomplice, her attorney informed AFP recordsdata company.

In step with the newspaper Le Monde, she is on hunger strike in jail.

A court docket listening to in France is due on Wednesday to peep the search recordsdata from for her extradition to Belgium.

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